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Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown

2 May

Watch this British film and prepare an analysis to be posted on your blog. This entry will be considered as part of our process assessment.

The following resources may guide you analysis:

Examples of questions

Cultural analysis






25 Apr

Watch the video:

A Cook’s Tour S01E21 – Highland Grub, 1 of 2

and answer these questions:

1. What is the typical description of Scottish food?

2. What is the first city visited by the chef?

3. How may the traditional Glaswegian breakfast start?

4. Describe the cooking procedure of  fried food items tried at University Cafe, chip shop:

a. Fish and chips…..(What did they add?)

b. Pizza    (what is Anthony’s opinion about oil?)

c. Chocolate bar

d. Eggs

5. Where do they go to try Haggies?

6. What are the ingredients of this Traditional Scottish dish, Haggies?

7. What is the basic procedure to prepare Haggies?

8. What are the typical side dishes?

9. What is the history behind this dish?

10. What’s the name of the poet who immortalized Haggies?


Robert Burn’s POEM, HERE


The Monarchy

4 Apr

-Do you consider the royal family to be in a political position or social/celebrity?

-How much power do you feel the royal family should have in modern times?

-If you had the opportunity to meet the Queen, what would you ask her?

The Monarchy

The monarchy link


We are going to prepare a debate around this topic (The Monarchy). Take a look at the format:


Choose your motion:


The Royal Family are an asset to the UK

English Corner

Pumahue Curauma


Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

A new language, a new world

PYP at The Mackay School